
How to Drive Better Marketing ROI with Advanced Point of Care Marketing

Drive Better Marketing ROI with Advanced Point of Care Marketing

Point of Care Marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for engaging patients, driving better health outcomes, and improving marketing return on investment (ROI). As patients become increasingly involved in their healthcare decisions and seek more personalized experiences, POC marketing offers a unique opportunity to connect with them at the most critical moments of their journey.

Advanced POC marketing strategies, powered by cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights, are transforming the way healthcare organizations interact with their target audiences. By leveraging digital signage, print collateral, and omni-channel marketing, healthcare marketers can create immersive, targeted, and measurable campaigns that resonate with patients and drive meaningful results.

In this article, we’ll explore the key components of advanced Point of Care Marketing and how healthcare organizations can harness its power to maximize their marketing ROI. We’ll also discuss how partnering with a specialized healthcare marketing firm like Practice Proof can help streamline and optimize your POC marketing efforts, ensuring that you stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic industry.

The Evolution of Point of Care Marketing

Traditionally, Point of Care Marketing focused on delivering messages to patients and caregivers within the confines of a physician’s office. This often involved the use of static materials such as posters, brochures, and educational pamphlets. While these tactics served their purpose, they lacked the ability to engage patients on a deeper level and provide measurable results.

Over the past five years, POC marketing has undergone a significant transformation. The industry has expanded beyond the walls of the physician’s office, now encompassing hospitals, pharmacies, and even patients’ smartphones. The methods of message delivery have also evolved, with digital signage, interactive tablets, and targeted content becoming increasingly prevalent.

This shift towards more advanced POC marketing strategies has been driven by several factors, including:

1. Changing patient expectations:

Today’s patients are more informed, engaged, and tech-savvy than ever before. They expect personalized, relevant, and convenient healthcare experiences that cater to their unique needs and preferences.

2. Advancements in technology:

The proliferation of digital devices, coupled with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data analytics, has opened up new possibilities for targeted, measurable, and interactive Point of Care Marketing campaigns.

3. Increased focus on patient outcomes:

As the healthcare industry moves towards a value-based care model, organizations are placing greater emphasis on improving patient outcomes and experiences. POC marketing plays a crucial role in educating, empowering, and engaging patients to take an active role in their health.

4. Demand for measurable results:

Healthcare marketers are under increasing pressure to demonstrate the ROI of their campaigns. Advanced POC marketing strategies, powered by data and analytics, provide a more accurate and transparent way to measure the impact of marketing efforts on patient behavior and outcomes.

By embracing these trends and adopting advanced POC marketing strategies, healthcare organizations can create more effective, efficient, and impactful campaigns that drive better marketing ROI.

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Key Components of Advanced Point of Care Marketing

To fully leverage the power of advanced POC marketing, healthcare organizations must understand and incorporate its key components into their overall marketing strategy. These components include:

1. Digital Signage

Digital signage has emerged as a game-changer in POC marketing, offering healthcare organizations a dynamic, engaging, and highly targeted way to reach patients. By strategically placing digital displays in waiting rooms, exam rooms, and other high-traffic areas, marketers can deliver relevant, timely, and visually compelling content that captures patients’ attention and drives action.

Some of the benefits of digital signage in Point of Care Marketing include:

a. Customization:

Digital signage allows for the creation of tailored content based on factors such as location, time of day, and patient demographics. This ensures that messages are highly relevant and impactful.

b. Interactivity: Interactive digital displays, such as touchscreens and tablets, encourage patient engagement and provide a more immersive experience. This can lead to increased brand recall, message retention, and patient satisfaction.

c. Real-time updates:

Unlike static materials, digital signage can be updated instantly, allowing healthcare organizations to adapt their messaging based on changing circumstances, such as public health emergencies or new treatment options.

d. Measurability:

Digital signage platforms often come with built-in analytics and tracking capabilities, enabling marketers to monitor engagement, track conversions, and measure the ROI of their campaigns in real-time.

2. Print Collateral

While digital signage has taken center stage in advanced Point of Care Marketing, print collateral still plays a vital role in engaging and educating patients. By combining the tactile nature of print with the targeting capabilities of advanced POC strategies, healthcare organizations can create a multi-sensory experience that resonates with patients on a deeper level.

Some examples of effective print collateral in POC marketing include:

a. Targeted brochures:

By segmenting patient populations based on factors such as age, gender, and health condition, marketers can create highly targeted brochures that provide relevant information and calls-to-action.

b. Personalized patient education materials:

Leveraging patient data and insights, healthcare organizations can create customized educational materials that address each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and treatment plans.

c. Branded promotional items:

Offering branded items such as pens, notepads, and stress balls can help increase brand awareness and recall, while also providing patients with a tangible reminder of their healthcare experience.


3. Omni-Channel Marketing

Advanced Point of Care Marketing is not limited to in-office experiences. To truly engage patients and drive better outcomes, healthcare organizations must adopt an omni-channel approach that connects with patients across multiple touchpoints and devices.

Some key components of an effective omni-channel POC marketing strategy include:

a. Mobile apps:

Developing a branded mobile app that provides patients with easy access to health information, appointment scheduling, and remote monitoring can help extend the POC experience beyond the physician’s office.

b. SMS and email campaigns:

Leveraging patient data to create targeted SMS and email campaigns can help keep patients engaged, informed, and motivated to take action between office visits.

c. Social media:

Building a strong presence on social media platforms can help healthcare organizations connect with patients, share valuable content, and foster a sense of community around their brand.

d. Telemedicine:

Integrating POC marketing strategies into telemedicine platforms can help enhance the virtual care experience and provide patients with a seamless, cohesive healthcare journey.

By implementing an omni-channel approach, healthcare organizations can create a continuous, personalized dialogue with patients that drives better engagement, adherence, and outcomes.

Measuring the ROI of Advanced Point of Care Marketing

One of the most significant advantages of advanced Point of Care Marketing is its ability to provide measurable results and demonstrate marketing ROI. By leveraging data, analytics, and tracking technologies, healthcare organizations can gain a deeper understanding of patient behavior, preferences, and outcomes, and use these insights to optimize their campaigns for maximum impact.

Some key metrics and strategies for measuring the ROI of advanced POC marketing include:

1. Patient engagement:

Tracking metrics such as dwell time, interaction rates, and content views can help marketers understand how patients are engaging with their POC campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

2. Conversion rates:

Monitoring the number of patients who take a desired action, such as scheduling an appointment or filling a prescription, can provide a clear picture of the effectiveness of POC marketing efforts.

3. Patient satisfaction:

Conducting surveys and gathering feedback from patients can help healthcare organizations assess the impact of their POC campaigns on patient experiences and identify opportunities for enhancement.

4. Health outcomes:

Analyzing data on patient adherence, readmission rates, and other key health indicators can help demonstrate the tangible impact of POC marketing on patient outcomes and overall healthcare costs.

5. Attribution modeling:

Implementing advanced attribution models can help healthcare organizations understand the relative contribution of each POC touchpoint to patient engagement and conversion, allowing for more informed budget allocation and campaign optimization.

By consistently measuring and analyzing the ROI of their POC marketing efforts, healthcare organizations can make data-driven decisions that maximize the impact of their campaigns and drive better results over time.

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Best Practices for Implementing Advanced Point of Care Marketing

1. Develop a Patient-Centric Approach

The foundation of any successful advanced Point of Care Marketing strategy is a deep understanding of your target audience. By placing patients at the center of your efforts, you can create campaigns that resonate on a personal level and drive meaningful engagement.

To develop a patient-centric approach, consider the following:

a. Conduct thorough patient research to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points
b. Segment your audience based on factors such as age, gender, health condition, and communication preferences
c. Create personas that represent your key patient groups and use these to guide your content creation and channel selection
d. Continuously gather patient feedback and use this to refine your approach over time

2. Align Point of Care Marketing with Your Overall Brand Strategy

To ensure a cohesive and impactful patient experience, it’s crucial to align your POC marketing efforts with your overall brand strategy. This means ensuring that your messaging, visual identity, and tone are consistent across all touchpoints and channels.

Some key considerations for aligning Point of Care Marketing with your brand strategy include:

a. Developing a clear brand messaging framework that guides all POC content creation
b. Ensuring that your visual identity (e.g., logo, color palette, imagery) is consistently applied across all POC materials
c. Training your staff to embody your brand values and communicate effectively with patients
d. Regularly auditing your POC marketing efforts to ensure brand alignment and identify areas for improvement

3. Prioritize Interactivity and Engagement

One of the key advantages of advanced Point of Care Marketing is its ability to foster interactive and engaging patient experiences. By leveraging technologies such as digital signage, tablets, and mobile apps, healthcare organizations can create immersive campaigns that capture patients’ attention and drive action.

To prioritize interactivity and engagement in your Point of Care Marketing efforts, consider the following:

a. Incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, surveys, and games into your digital signage content
b. Providing patients with the ability to control and customize their content experience (e.g., selecting relevant topics or languages)
c. Using mobile apps to extend the Point of Care Marketing experience beyond the healthcare setting and provide patients with ongoing support and resources
d. Encouraging patient feedback and participation through social media, reviews, and other user-generated content

4. Leverage Data and Analytics for Continuous Optimization

Advanced POC marketing provides healthcare organizations with a wealth of data and insights that can be used to optimize campaigns and drive better results over time. By regularly monitoring key metrics and applying data-driven insights to your efforts, you can ensure that your POC marketing is always improving and delivering maximum ROI.

Some key strategies for leveraging data and analytics in your Point of Care Marketing include:

a. Establishing clear KPIs and success metrics for each campaign
b. Using real-time analytics to monitor patient engagement and identify areas for optimization
c. Conducting A/B testing to compare the effectiveness of different content, designs, and channels
d. Applying predictive analytics and machine learning to anticipate patient needs and deliver more personalized experiences

Case Studies: Advanced Point of Care Marketing in Action

1. Cleveland Clinic: Enhancing Patient Education with Digital Signage

Cleveland Clinic, a world-renowned academic medical center, implemented a network of digital signage displays across its facilities to enhance patient education and engagement. The displays feature a mix of custom content, including health tips, patient testimonials, and information about Cleveland Clinic’s services and programs.

By leveraging advanced targeting and personalization capabilities, Cleveland Clinic is able to deliver highly relevant content to patients based on their location, time of day, and other factors. The displays also incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes and surveys, to encourage patient participation and gather valuable feedback.

Since implementing its digital signage network, Cleveland Clinic has seen significant improvements in patient engagement, satisfaction, and health literacy. The organization has also been able to use the data generated by the displays to optimize its content and messaging over time, ensuring maximum impact and ROI.

2. Pfizer: Driving Medication Adherence with Omni-Channel POC Marketing

Pfizer, one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, launched an omni-channel Point of Care Marketing campaign to drive medication adherence among patients with chronic conditions. The campaign included a mix of in-office materials (e.g., brochures, posters), digital content (e.g., mobile apps, SMS reminders), and personalized support from healthcare providers.

By leveraging data and analytics, Pfizer was able to identify patients who were at risk of non-adherence and tailor its messaging and interventions accordingly. The company also used advanced attribution modeling to understand the relative impact of each POC touchpoint on patient behavior and optimize its channel mix over time.

The results of Pfizer’s omni-channel POC marketing campaign were impressive. Patients who were exposed to the campaign showed significantly higher rates of medication adherence compared to a control group, leading to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. Pfizer was also able to demonstrate a clear ROI for its POC marketing investments, paving the way for continued innovation and growth in this area.

3. Mayo Clinic: Transforming the Waiting Room Experience with Interactive Tablets

Mayo Clinic, a leading academic medical center, introduced interactive tablets into its waiting rooms to transform the patient experience and drive better engagement. The tablets feature a range of educational content, entertainment options, and patient-specific information, such as appointment updates and post-visit instructions.

By providing patients with a more engaging and personalized waiting room experience, Mayo Clinic has been able to reduce perceived wait times, increase patient satisfaction, and improve overall health outcomes. The tablets have also provided valuable data and insights into patient behavior and preferences, allowing Mayo Clinic to continuously refine its POC marketing efforts.

The success of Mayo Clinic’s interactive tablet initiative has inspired other healthcare organizations to follow suit, leading to a wave of innovation and investment in waiting room technology. As more providers embrace advanced POC marketing strategies, patients can expect increasingly engaging, personalized, and impactful experiences across the healthcare continuum.

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The Future of Advanced Point of Care Marketing

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, advanced POC marketing will play an increasingly critical role in driving patient engagement, improving outcomes, and maximizing marketing ROI. By staying at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field, healthcare organizations can position themselves for success in the years to come.

Some of the key trends and opportunities that are likely to shape the future of advanced POC marketing include:

1. Increased Adoption of AI and Machine Learning

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies continue to advance, healthcare organizations will have new opportunities to personalize and optimize their POC marketing efforts. For example, AI-powered content recommendation engines could help deliver highly targeted messages to patients based on their individual needs and preferences, while predictive analytics could identify patients at risk of non-adherence or adverse health outcomes.

2. Growing Importance of Voice and Conversational Interfaces

With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, healthcare organizations will need to adapt their Point of Care Marketing strategies to include voice-based interactions. This could include developing custom voice skills for platforms like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, or integrating voice-activated features into waiting room tablets and other Point of Care Marketing technologies.

3. Expansion of POC Marketing Beyond the Healthcare Setting

As telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies become more prevalent, healthcare organizations will have new opportunities to extend their Point of Care Marketing efforts beyond the traditional healthcare setting. This could include delivering personalized content and support to patients in their homes, workplaces, or other locations, using a mix of digital and physical touchpoints.

4. Increased Collaboration and Partnership

To fully leverage the potential of advanced Point of Care Marketing, healthcare organizations will need to collaborate and partner with a range of stakeholders, including technology vendors, marketing agencies, and other healthcare providers. By working together to develop innovative solutions and share best practices, the industry can accelerate the adoption of advanced POC marketing and drive better outcomes for patients.

Practice Proof Advanced Point of Care Marketing Help

Implementing an advanced POC marketing strategy can be a complex and resource-intensive endeavour. To ensure success and maximize ROI, many healthcare organizations choose to partner with specialized marketing firms like Practice Proof.

Practice Proof is a leading provider of comprehensive healthcare marketing solutions, with a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing the industry. By working with Practice Proof, healthcare organizations can access a full range of services and expertise to help them navigate the evolving Point of Care Marketing landscape and drive better results.

Some of the key ways Practice Proof can support your advanced Point of Care Marketing efforts include:

1. Point of Care Marketing Digital Signage Solutions

Practice Proof, through our software, SeenScreen offers cutting-edge digital signage solutions tailored to the unique needs of healthcare organizations. Their team of experts can help you design, deploy, and manage a network of interactive digital displays that engage patients, deliver targeted content, and provide measurable results.

With Practice Proof’s digital signage solutions, you can:

a. We can create dynamic, visually compelling content that captures patients’ attention and drives action
b. Customize messaging based on location, time of day, and patient demographics, all from our location to your screen destination (regardless of its location globally)
c. Integrate with your existing healthcare IT systems through our CRM to provide a seamless, personalized patient experience
d. Monitor engagement and track ROI in real-time using advanced analytics and reporting tools

2. Point of Care Marketing Print Collateral Services

Practice Proof understands the importance of high-quality, targeted print collateral in Point of Care Marketing. Their team of designers, copywriters, and print specialists can help you create a range of materials that educate, engage, and motivate patients to take action.

Some of the print collateral services offered by Practice Proof include:

a. Brochure and pamphlet design and production
b. Personalized patient education materials
c. Branded promotional items and giveaways
d. Direct mail campaigns

By partnering with Practice Proof, you can ensure that your print collateral is not only visually appealing and informative but also strategically aligned with your overall POC marketing goals.

3. Point of Care Marketing Omni-Channel Marketing Expertise

Practice Proof’s team of healthcare marketing experts can help you develop and execute a comprehensive omni-channel Point of Care Marketing strategy that connects with patients across multiple touchpoints and devices.

Some of the omni-channel marketing services offered by Practice Proof include:

a. Mobile app development and optimization
b. SMS and email campaign management
c. Social media strategy and content creation
d. Telemedicine platform integration

By leveraging Practice Proof’s omni-channel marketing expertise, you can create a seamless, cohesive patient experience that drives better engagement, adherence, and outcomes.

4. Point of Care Marketing Data Analytics and ROI Measurement

Practice Proof understands the importance of data-driven decision-making in healthcare marketing. We can help you harness the power of advanced analytics to measure the ROI of your POC marketing efforts and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

Some of the data analytics and ROI measurement services offered by Practice Proof include:

a. Patient engagement and conversion tracking
b. Attribution modeling and campaign optimization
c. Patient satisfaction and feedback analysis
d. Health outcome and cost-saving analysis

By partnering with Practice Proof, you can gain access to the insights and expertise needed to demonstrate the value of your POC marketing investments and make informed, data-driven decisions that drive better results.


Advanced point of care marketing represents a significant opportunity for healthcare organizations to engage patients, drive better outcomes, and improve marketing ROI. By leveraging digital signage, print collateral, and omni-channel strategies, marketers can create immersive, targeted, and measurable campaigns that resonate with patients and deliver tangible results.

However, implementing an effective advanced Point of Care Marketing strategy can be challenging, requiring specialized expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and a deep understanding of the healthcare industry. This is where partnering with a firm like Practice Proof can make all the difference.

With Practice Proof’s comprehensive suite of Point of Care Marketing solutions and services, healthcare organizations can streamline their efforts, access the latest innovations, and drive better results. From digital signage and print collateral to omni-channel marketing and data analytics, Practice Proof offers a full range of capabilities to help you succeed in today’s dynamic healthcare landscape.

By embracing advanced Point of Care Marketing and collaborating with a trusted partner like Practice Proof, healthcare organizations can unlock new opportunities for growth, differentiation, and patient engagement. As the industry continues to evolve, those who prioritize POC marketing and invest in the right strategies, technologies, and partnerships will be well-positioned to thrive in the years to come.

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Andrew Howarth
Andrew Howarth
Healthcare Marketing Writer

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