
Free Legal Marketing Content Calendar

No matter who you talk to, the synonymous answer to getting more qualified web traffic to your law firm’s website, is to write more content.

Content is the bedrock of great digital marketing. For firms that are prolific content writers, multiple opportunities to drive eternal traffic are everywhere. Notwithstanding this, content that is well thought out and well-written, is an asset that will keep on driving potential clients to your website well into the future.

But why do so many firms fail when it comes to generating content?

In our experience, it’s not necessarily time, but rather the failure to make time for it to happen. In other words, we see it time and time again that when firms instigate a content marketing calendar and assign both content topic and date of completion to lawyers within the firm and attach it to a KPI on their position description, it simply works! Leaving content writing to when your lawyers feel like doing it, not only does the rhythm suffer, but it usually results in everything else being placed in front of it.

So, why does your firm have to write content?

1. Content is a primary driver of new client acquisition;
2. Content allows your firm multiple opportunities to reach past, current and potential clients through a syndication strategy;
3. Content is integral to ranking well in Google;
4. Content is a digital asset that will keep on performing for your firm long after you have written it;
5. Content, when well-written positions you as a thought leader in your specific area of practice.

Does content always have to be written?

Definitely not! Using diverse mediums to produce content is a great strategy to tap into the strengths of your lawyers. For example, some lawyers you won’t necessarily want them to write content because it will look like a judicial decision, but the same lawyer may be perfect on a audio podcast.

If it’s written content, how long should it be?

Preferably, written content should be in the vicinity of 800 words above and ideally, close with a call to action that encourages the reader to either download a further rsource or take advantage of a “free consultation,” or “Special Offer” etc

How do you build a content marketing calendar?

Good news, we’ve done it for you, but better still, if your law firm website is on a WordPress platform, then I encourage you to integrate your firm’s blog with CoSchedule. CoSchedule is a terrific WordPress application that not only offers a content marketing calendar, but integrates immediate social sharing and a bunch of their useful tools as well.

How to use the Content Marketing Calendar

By far the best way to start to implement your calendar, is at the next firm meeting, have each lawyer bring 5 blog post titles that capture the most commonly asked questions by new clients that must begin with “How, Why, When or What.”

Pool all the titles, further discuss if necessary, then allocate them to a monthly date and assign the author. If your firm has four practice areas, then this will generate one piece of content each week. Most importantly, for this to work, you’ll need to appoint a “Content Manager,” preferably a person with influence within the firm to ensure content deadlines are met.

The Law Firm Marketing Content Calendar is self explanatory, we’ve included some key pointers that you should consult with first.

We hope your law firm finds it useful.

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