Get Smarter with LawStripe CRM

Client/Patient intake, or, onboarding is invariably something that many professional services firms don’t spend much time on. Let LawStripe CRM do all the heavy lifting while also delivering an amazing client experience.


Some of the
clients we've helped

Practice Proof has been growing professional services practices for over 16 years!

Manage Everything from First Contact


Get a Smart Website that Changes Everything

At Practice Proof, we’re all about designing and developing smart websites. Smart websites aren’t just great to look at, but serve as a channel that opens up client/patient engagement sequences from very first contact.

Get a Smart Website

Get Seen in Google for Search Terms that Drive Business

The next step after having your Smart Website designed and developed, is getting it found in Google and other search engines. The team at Practice Proof rank professional services firms for the most competitive search terms out there.

Find out how we can rank your practice


Track Everything and Automate Next Steps

Your Practice Proof Smart Website tracks every step on your website and can automate actions based upon the client/patient interaction on your website.

Learn more about tracking and process automation

Automate everything with LawStripe CRM

LawStripe Appointments

New Client/Patient Workflows

Great news! You have a client/patient who has just booked a consultation via your website. Your Practice Proof website is seamlessly integrated with LawStripe CRM and can now automatically email/sms next steps or other types of information to your new client/patient. It can do a whole lot more than that too!

LawStripe Data

Get smarter with your data!

We all know that targeted communication with clients/patients is key to better engagement. Your Smart Website and LawStripe CRM together can powerfully engage your clients/patients with specific promotional information that only relates to their circumstance and introduce them to other engagement opportunities with your practice.

LawStripe Remarketing

Deploy remarketing to drive deeper engagement

Your Practice Proof Smart Website and LawStripe CRM combined together can activate a plethora of follow up actions based upon types of engagement by your new clients/patients. For example, our software can automate targeted marketing campaigns to your new clients/patients that are interest based to drive better engagement and follow-up.

Connect other Practice Proof Software Seamlessly

Your practice marketing should be fully integrated and seamless, that’s why we’re on a mission of ensuring there are no gaps. Check out our other software that we can connect up.


Automate your client/patient reviews

You know that client/patient reviews mean everything, but most practices don’t have a system or software to automate the process. You can exponentially grow your reviews, while also minimising the risk of getting a bad one, with our FirmRanker software. It connects and syndicates all your great reviews to your Smart Website.

Find out more about FirmRanker

Take online bookings easily

Get online bookings easily with our software Law Appointments and watch it seamlessly integrate with your email accounts and LawStripe CRM for automated follow up email and SMS messages.

Start taking bookings online


Track every phone call from every channel

Avoid the back-and-forth of scheduling and rescheduling meetings. Prospective clients can choose a time based on your availability, right from your website or email, and receive automated text reminders so they don’t miss a meeting.

See how it works

Get your practice organised, optimised and automated!

Talk to the team at Practice Proof today about connecting all the dots with your marketing!

👉 Claim your Free $5K Marketing Audit Claim Offer